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an ordinary chessplayer
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Re: Repertoire tool
Reply #3 - 02/10/24 at 07:47:53
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Documentation for the Scid tree mask is on the wiki,
And of course in the Scid help file: Help | Index | Masks for Trees

According to the ChangeLog this was added in version 3.6.25 (September 2008)

For polyglot executable there is the -dump option to get PGN out, but I haven't used it myself. If you have tried it I am interested in your critique.
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Re: Repertoire tool
Reply #2 - 02/10/24 at 05:28:10
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an ordinary chessplayer wrote on 02/09/24 at 22:00:54:
Probably you will want to use some sort of repertoire "merge" and this is how the polyglot engine book works. Also the Scid "tree mask" does similar. The basic idea is you keep the whole repertoire as plain moves in a large database, and you keep all repertoire annotations in a separate small database.

I like the book merging options of Polyglot but it is not so easy to convert them back to pgn.
Can you explain me how this Scid "tree mask" function works please?
What version of Scid do you use for this?
I use Chess Position Trainer to make my repertoires. But I train them in Chessable or any other app I like.
I don't want to get stuck, to train the openings only in Chess Position Trainer.
Especially because CPT is outdated.
I prefer to delete the candidate moves I don't want. But because of the bug in cpt, that I don't keep the position. Maybe marking the moves with a ? would also work.
Then I can export the repertoire in CPT to pgn, and search for these games with a ? and delete these games. (CPT creates a new game for each separate opening line in the exported pgn).
I didn't try it yet but I think this might work. Although it is not an ideal approach.
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an ordinary chessplayer
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Re: Repertoire tool
Reply #1 - 02/09/24 at 22:00:54
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Jonathan003 wrote on 02/09/24 at 20:46:12:

... I have my repertoires in pgn format. ... 

The problem in Chess Position Trainer is that if for example I'm at position 300 out of 500 positions with more than one candidate moves. And I delete a candidate move I don't like. ...

Instead of deleting the unwanted candidate, can you mark it in some way? For example use a red color, or annotate it with ?! or ? or ??. This way you should be able to step through all of them without losing your place.

Now all depends on how Chess Position Trainer (CPT) handles the marks you made.
  1. In the ideal case, CPT respects the marks and considers them not part of your training, in which case you are done, you can just leave them in.
  2. Next best is if CPT has some way to filter on your marks, so you can delete them one by one from the filter.
  3. The last option is to export to PGN and search for your marks in a text editor, delete them there, and re-import.

Anyway this is a general issue with any repertoire, not just CPT, and requires careful thought to avoid making the same deletions (or annotations) repeatedly. Probably you will want to use some sort of repertoire "merge" and this is how the polyglot engine book works. Also the Scid "tree mask" does similar. The basic idea is you keep the whole repertoire as plain moves in a large database, and you keep all repertoire annotations in a separate small database. You import the large database, then you add (merge) the annotations. Now any unannotated extra candidates you see (the CPT next position feature!) are moves you haven't seen before and need to evaluate. 

You can combine the methods. Keep all "deleted" candidates in a separate annotated repertoire, which you merge to your main repertoire. Then do your deletions before training. It might be worthwhile making a practice repertoire to see how the software handles your edits before investing much time on your real repertoire.
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Repertoire tool
02/09/24 at 20:46:12
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This is part of the manual of Chess Position Trainer

>1 candidate moves: Usually you only want to have one candidate move for your side for each position.
Sometimes you want to add alternative moves, but sometimes for example due to an import you have
unintentionally more than one candidate moves for your side. This criterion lets you go to the next position,
where more than candidate move exists for your side (opponent side is ignored).

I don't understand that sites like or don't have this functionality.
Besides Chess Position Trainer, I also don't know of any other chess software that has a similar functionality.

I have my repertoires in pgn format. Different lines (or short games without results). For each different opening line, a different game. My white repertoire for example has about 5000 opening lines.

The problem in Chess Position Trainer is that if for example I'm at position 300 out of 500 positions with more than one candidate moves. And I delete a candidate move I don't like. And I click on ">1 candidate moves" again, I don't jump to the next position with more than one candidate moves. But to the first position again with more than on candidate moves. Then I have to click 299 times or 300 times on ">1 candidate moves" to continuo from where I was.

I wonder how I can do it more efficient?
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