30 years ago I knew a lot more about computers of the 90's than I do about computers of current times. I actually had some courses in C++. Visual Basic 5, and even a little Oracle, etc. But I let it pass and stayed with my then current career and did not switch careers, for which I have no regrets.(attending a few job fairs where I sat amongst others who were all trying to escape "Help Desk" and then getting mostly only Help Desk offers was eye-opening.) Well, a lot has changed since then. So, I may not be stupid but I don't really have any deeper pc knowledge of current products and capabilities.
That being said, I wanted to ask the group how, if at all, they think all this current buzz about A.I. will affect chess engine evolution in the future? For what it's worth, I remain highly skeptical of grandiose claims that computers will be, "smarter than people," etc. The "Chinese Room" argument remains pretty persuasive for me, the claims of Star Trek fans do not. But I am sure that, when it comes to philosopy, there is always a counter-argument.

Partly, I am not sure A.I. is even relevant to chess engines that can brute force their way over any human player. Will A.I. become a game-changer for chess engines? How and why?
[Again, I ask to gain knowledge, not to suggest any personal expertise. I ask here because I have great respect for the other members abilities; learning here is so much better then hoping for candid shots of Taylor Swift in her skybox later today.]