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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Looking for catalog of calculation errors (Read 3508 times)
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #21 - 05/15/24 at 14:11:07
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I'm still working on Polgar's 5334 and am determined to go at least through the Mate-in-Threes(most of the rest are game studies, not puzzles). Right now, I am approaching #2600, which is a mate in two. #4462 will finish the Mate-in-Threes. When I get stuck and am reduced to trial and error these are what most confounds me:
1. I call it "cris-cross knights," where the answer is both knights need to move in non-obvious ways and so you can be calculating 8-square possibles followed by the 8-square possibles of the 2nd knight in all possible permutations. Ouch!
2. That one damned square I didn't think to calculate! In Polgar a check on the 1st move is so rare in mate-in-twos I dont even bother to calculate it. Also, getting stuck can be a clue difficulty has increased, so step back and don't use what was working before.

What most contributes to difficulty is any fatigue or distraction on my part. What most helps:another cup of coffee, or walk away for a few and another cup of coffee. It took many, many tries to realize fatigue was my worst enemy, so don't try to force the solution. Force never works. I look forward to learning what this book does for you.
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #20 - 05/14/24 at 21:46:47
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Invisible Chess Moves arrived yesterday. I've skimmed through the first half; after I have looked at it in detail (will take me a while), I will write up some remarks.

In the meantime, I found one list, a little broader than what I had in mind but nevertheless useful.

Typical mistakes and how to avoid them

In order to relate a player's success in solving these tests to his "chess IQ", some sample tests were sent to a number of players, covering a wide range of ability. The solutions submitted also revealed various errors of a general nature:
  1. The correct idea is found, but an incorrect order of moves employed, making the combination less effective, or even totally unsound.
  2. The solution found is insufficiently incisive. If one side has a crushing position, you can normally expect there to be a crushing solution!
  3. Occasionally, moves are suggested which are physically impossible! This normally occurs due to difficulty in envisaging the position several moves ahead, a skill which can only come with practice.
  4. The most common error is an underestimation of the opponent's resources. Try to take account of all the opponent's possible defences!
-- August Livshitz, Test Your Chess IQ: First Challenge (Cadogan, 1997), page viii.

N.B. Livshitz's original material in English is from 1981. I have no idea what if any changes were made to later editions. In the 1997 edition, the earliest game is from 1938 (1), and the latest is from 1979 (1). Years with the most examples are 1958 (23), 1962 (21), 1972 (26) and 1973 (21).
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #19 - 04/17/24 at 13:05:06
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Go figure! I too found a copy on Internet Archive (I know you might not approve) and noodled around using the same tools on whether it would be do-able and worth it. I got well over a hundred pages into it by a very laborious process, but that did not bring over any of the vital illustrations with it. Also, the formatting of the book(sort of half-page double-column text) was the devil to work with and basically doubled the pagination. So, with my limited skills, perhaps do-able. But your follow-up post confirms to me this Sysiphean labor is best put aside.
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an ordinary chessplayer
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #18 - 04/17/24 at 01:44:57
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Suetin (1980) Typische Fehler -- saved the bare PGN to Google Drive and the link is in the attachment.

I've read over the whole book in my poor German, and translated about 20 percent of it in I haven't seen anything looking like what I want so I am giving up on this one and switching to one of the other suggested books shortly.
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #17 - 03/24/24 at 13:59:51
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Thanks for that! Had the devil of a time getting my copy of Malwarebytes to exclude what it thought was a threat from Quality? You probably know this but FWIW, there are at least 3 copies of Typische Fehler, Pub. Sportverlag up for sale on Ebay, cheap too. But you have to poke around to find them. One is up on Amazon also.

[EDIT: Don't I wish this title was in ebook format. Then it might be possible to convert to PDF and translate to preferred language.]
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #16 - 03/23/24 at 18:33:50
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cathexis wrote on 03/23/24 at 14:16:39:
Any chance it is available in English?

I don't think so. Web bibliographies are incomplete, but I didn't see anything by that title in google books; annoyingly Typische Fehler also is missing there.

There might be some overlap with the 2010 compilation Soviet Chess Strategy.
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #15 - 03/23/24 at 14:16:39
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Wow! Tantalizing table of contents. Any chance it is available in English? Whether OOP or not.
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an ordinary chessplayer
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #14 - 03/23/24 at 01:11:25
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Suetin (1980) Typische Fehler -- attached Table of Contents and Introduction in English.

Suetin-1980-TypischeFehler-en.txt ( 6 KB | 47 Downloads )
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #13 - 03/23/24 at 01:09:19
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Suetin (1980) Typische Fehler -- attached Table of Contents and Introduction in German.

Suetin-1980-TypischeFehler-de.txt ( 7 KB | 45 Downloads )
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #12 - 03/16/24 at 20:10:35
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sim wrote on 03/16/24 at 09:30:43:
categorizing hard to see manoeuvres

Muchas gracias! "Just what I was looking for" (a Karpov quote). Too many books to keep track of... There used to be a claim that more books had been published on chess than on all other games combined. Things are better Wink now.
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #11 - 03/16/24 at 09:30:43
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Not a puzzle book and not really what you're looking for I suppose, but there's also Invisible Moves by Afek & Neiman, which makes an attempt at categorizing hard to see manoeuvres, analyzes why they're hard to see and gives instructive games.
I think I first heard about Invisible Moves on this forum, so you probably already know it.
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #10 - 03/15/24 at 12:21:28
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Perhaps Nunn's "Solving in Style" might be worth a peek at? It is still in print:

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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #9 - 03/13/24 at 20:05:22
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In a way, you could do this on SCID or somesuch database by searching for similar positions, perhaps? Of course, the search term has to be programmed searchable in the first place. But if you could cull out a list of similar positions you might then be able to assemble a relevant database and turn that into a e-book teaching tool.(nothing to it, right? Wink ) I would buy that faster than a backwords-moving bishop! "5,334 Positions You Don't Ever Seem to Solve", by AOC.
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #8 - 03/13/24 at 16:28:13
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an ordinary chessplayer wrote on 03/13/24 at 04:39:19:
Solving a bunch of puzzles where the key is a backwards diagonal move would in theory make us much less likely to miss such resources in our games

Come to think of it, so would studying a bunch of bishop endgames. At some point the opponent will advance a passed pawn and then our bishop better be ready to move backwards diagonally.
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an ordinary chessplayer
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Re: Looking for catalog of calculation errors
Reply #7 - 03/13/24 at 16:20:04
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Kerangali wrote on 03/13/24 at 14:26:41:
Lateral attacks can be easily overlooked, well-known fact of chess training.

I see similar facts mentioned here and there. What I am looking for is a resource that gathers them in one place. There is so much written on chess, maybe someone has done this work. I'm open to other languages. I wouldn't be surprised if there is something like this in Russian.

Ultimately what I wish for would be a diagnostic puzzle book with each puzzle tagged with a bunch of themes. After solving all the puzzles you look up the themes for the ones you missed and if you missed a particular theme more than others then you could get another puzzle book focusing just on that theme. There are plenty of puzzle books organized by theme, but not with themes like "backwards diagonal move", "lateral attack", etc. As a substitute I am using mate-in-two puzzles because the key moves are generally not game-like, so I get lots of examples of counter-intuitive moves, and also lots of examples where I missed them, or at least took a long time to find them.

Kerangali wrote on 03/13/24 at 14:26:41:
The Seven Deadly Chess Sins

They can't be all that deadly because I commit each of those sins every game, yet sometimes I still manage to draw or even win.Smiley

Seriously though, thanks, will try to look at Rowson.
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