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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi (Read 1983 times)
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #13 - 02/14/25 at 14:11:16
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No offense to the OP, but that is kind of funny. Smiley
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #12 - 02/13/25 at 07:37:14
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George Jempty wrote on 02/11/25 at 20:18:13:
once I realized it was my 3.h3 idea against the Scandi reversed, I went for it.

1.e4 e5 2.h3 d5 3.exd5 Qxd5 isn't your idea reversed, it's your idea straight up. Effectively you were playing against your own 3.h3 idea, with the move 3...e5 as I suggested in your other topic:
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #11 - 02/13/25 at 07:24:53
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Watch Out ... It's 1.h3! is a sly reference to an actual book from Chess Digest, Watch Out! Veresov's Opening.
I have no idea if the Veresov book was any good, but the title was dumb. Watson was right to poke fun at it.
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #10 - 02/12/25 at 22:31:25
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kylemeister - Your reminiscence prompted me to look for my copy of Watson's comic, Chessman #2: Treachery in Transylvania! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find it, but I did locate an installment of the comic in the October 1979 issue of Chess Life & Review. The story starts with the protagonist, Chessman, at home reading a book, which happens to be Watch Out... It's 1.h3!

In the same installment, Chessman gets an invitation to the 1979 Rutabaga Invitational in Dead Bug, Iowa (a thinly veiled reference to Lone Pine?) where he encounters "Winter Greene', who bears a resemblance to Walter Browne, and "Spastig" (obviously based on Spassky). I took a quick peak at the following issues of CL&R, but didn't see any subsequent episodes of the comic that might have a reappearance of the 1.h3 book.
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #9 - 02/12/25 at 20:55:07
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I can't help being reminded of one of John Watson's old comics, which as I recall depicted a book (one of a few a kid had brought to a tournament, I think) titled, "Watch Out! It's 1. h3."
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George Jempty
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #8 - 02/11/25 at 20:18:13
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Interesting I just got to play this as Black after 1.e4 e5 2.h3?  Perhaps 2...d5 isn't best, but once I realized it was my 3.h3 idea against the Scandi reversed, I went for it.  Also I remembered after taking back with the Queen after exd5, and then Nc3 Qe6 Nf3, to play ...Bd7 as opposed to alternatives which are clearly worse in that position

Attaching game, opponent was clearly not very good whatsoever
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George Jempty
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #7 - 06/04/24 at 10:32:33
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Kerangali wrote on 04/09/24 at 11:31:33:
re 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.h3: certainly playable, but after 3...c5 Black gets a better-than-usual sicilian for free
re 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 3.d4: this allows 3...e5 with good play for Black.

I'm sticking with 3.h3, and on 3...c5 4.Na3!?  Objectively this may only be equal.  However I play the 2.c3 Sicilian and on 2...d5 3.exd5 Qxd5 instead of a quick d4, I play 4.Nf3 and typically 5.Na3.  So it constitutes a sort of system for me (once OTB after 2.c3 Qa5?! I found 3.Na3!?)
« Last Edit: 06/04/24 at 17:33:48 by George Jempty »  
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #6 - 04/09/24 at 14:10:32
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Thank you, Kerangali!
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #5 - 04/09/24 at 11:31:33
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re 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.h3: certainly playable, but after 3...c5 Black gets a better-than-usual sicilian for free
re 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 3.d4: this allows 3...e5 with good play for Black.
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Lauri Torni
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #4 - 04/09/24 at 06:40:51
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George Jempty wrote on 04/08/24 at 11:28:26:
cathexis wrote on 04/02/24 at 12:51:43:
A bit off-topic perhaps, but why not 3.d5, then 4.Nc3? Just curious.

Why 1.e4, why not 1.d4


Why 1.d4? 

Why not 1.c4 or 1.Nf3?

1.Nf3! -  beat your opponent by killing his zest for life.
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #3 - 04/08/24 at 13:19:47
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Ooops.Typo. Why not 3.d4, then 4.Nc3?
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George Jempty
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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #2 - 04/08/24 at 11:28:26
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cathexis wrote on 04/02/24 at 12:51:43:
A bit off-topic perhaps, but why not 3.d5, then 4.Nc3? Just curious.

Why 1.e4, why not 1.d4

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Re: More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
Reply #1 - 04/02/24 at 12:51:43
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A bit off-topic perhaps, but why not 3.d5, then 4.Nc3? Just curious.
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George Jempty
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More on 3. h3!? against the 2...Qxd5 Scandi
04/01/24 at 14:19:09
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So after facing 3...Bf5 a number of times, I've found it might be better to NOT defer Nc3 but play it immediately, when White might take advantage of the early development of Black's WSB a number of ways if Black tries to head for "normal" variations, for instance 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.h3 Bf5 4.Nc3 Qd6 5.Qf3!? or better yet 4...Qa5?! 5.b4!
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