Well first up you get messes, and ones that stay complex for many moves. So it's absolutely no issue playing it at 1600-2000 level!
I actually checked this reasonably recently with SF NNE and it's actually reasonably positive about it all. Huge, complex, messes with a survivable white edge.
Black does need to play some good moves but you'll get good winning chances of your own.
I haven't got Dearing anymore to check quite what he had, from what I remember a few lines won't quite hold up.
One critical position below - via 7 Rb1 and 8 Ng3. Black can seemingly try 10.. cd, Bxc3+ and Nc7/Ba6 or Qc7 instead earlier. That's a tiny bit anti thematic I suppose.
iirc, Dearing was keen on h5 ideas somewhere? SF doesn't like them much and if it doesn't like h5 it can't be a very good move!
It prefers to go 12.. b5!??! instead, basically just going a pawn down for weaknesses and activity. A little bit much to truly recommend.
12.. Qe7 seems to be best, which leads to wild things in a huge range of directions.
13 b4 seems like it might just win, but doesn't - 13.. cb 14 Na2 Rfd8 (vs Ba3 skewers) 15 Bxa6 BxB 16 ab and then Bc4 is apparently a refinement on Bxf1.
13 Bd3 cd 14 cd b5!? actually works quite well(!).
13 e4 Rfd8 etc is a dangerous sacrifice of d4, but OK, black active too.
13 Nce4 Nd5 14 Qe2 Nac7 15 Bd3 a6 16 dc bc 17 Bd2 Bb6 18 Rbc1 Nb5 19 Kh1 and then SF thinks f5,f4 works fairly well.