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Re: Updated Kramnik 2 in the works
Reply #10 - 02/25/08 at 00:52:22
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Antillian wrote on 02/22/08 at 23:17:58:
This is intriguing. I guess this means that Opening for White according to Kramnik 1.Nf3, Vol.5 revised edition will be on the Catalan whenever it is released.

I really look forward to this. Seeing the quality of the series.
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Re: Updated Kramnik 2 in the works
Reply #9 - 02/23/08 at 02:55:41
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Judging from Anand's major tournament victories in 2007, I wonder when Chess Stars will release the sequel to "Opening ...According to Anand" for Black? Judging from Anand's successes in his black games this year (he has scored quite a few good wins; take Aronian-Anand, Mexico 2007, and his two recent wins over Carlsen in 2008), I think it would be quite a popular product.

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Re: Updated Kramnik 2 in the works
Reply #8 - 02/22/08 at 23:17:58
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This is intriguing. I guess this means that Opening for White according to Kramnik 1.Nf3, Vol.5 revised edition will be on the Catalan whenever it is released.

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Re: Updated Kramnik 2 in the works
Reply #7 - 02/21/08 at 18:01:07
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mangler wrote on 02/21/08 at 14:13:45:
Great news, I am looking forward to the new edition of volume 2. 

Comparing the table of contents in the 2nd edition of volume 2 with the first edition,  Khalifman is now proposing 1 Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 as opposed to 3.Nc3 in the first edition. This change avoids the anti Nimzo 3...Bb4 (covered in 1st edition). Also, both editions seem to cover the 7.Re1 line vs the Queen's Indian. There may be other changes/tweaks to the repertoire; that was what 'jumped out" at me.

Yeah, that change to 3.g3 caught my eye too ... it tends to suggest that after 3...d5 White is ready to play the Catalan - now obviously that fits in with what Kramnik has been doing lately but it's a fairly big shift from the mainline Bg5 QGDs of the first edition.

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Re: Updated Kramnik 2 in the works
Reply #6 - 02/21/08 at 16:42:00
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TopNotch and DoubledPawns,

Volum 2 does not cover the KID.

KID is covered in Volume 1 - and have already been updated with a second edition.
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Re: Updated Kramnik 2 in the works
Reply #5 - 02/21/08 at 14:13:45
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Great news, I am looking forward to the new edition of volume 2. 

Comparing the table of contents in the 2nd edition of volume 2 with the first edition,  Khalifman is now proposing 1 Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 as opposed to 3.Nc3 in the first edition. This change avoids the anti Nimzo 3...Bb4 (covered in 1st edition). Also, both editions seem to cover the 7.Re1 line vs the Queen's Indian. There may be other changes/tweaks to the repertoire; that was what 'jumped out" at me.

Please note volume 1 (King's Indian and Anti Grunfeld) was revised into 2 volumes, called 1a and 1b, and are already available.
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Re: Updated Kramnik 2 in the works
Reply #4 - 02/21/08 at 08:22:17
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TopNotch wrote on 02/21/08 at 07:21:07:
I understand that some of the Info on the KID has been changed for the second edition.

Toppy Smiley

Thanks for that information!

I suppose it's not overly surprising, considering that in their book they did not investigate or even mention Radjabov's brilliant plan from Wijk Aan Zee 2007 (to be fair, that was in the future). My guess is that they will prefer the "older" (but probably more fashionable at the moment!) 12.Bf3. 


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Re: Updated Kramnik 2 in the works
Reply #3 - 02/21/08 at 07:21:07
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I understand that some of the Info on the KID has been changed for the second edition.

Toppy Smiley

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Re: Updated Kramnik 2 in the works
Reply #2 - 02/21/08 at 05:38:20
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I was just wondering: have any different variations been included since the first edition? 

On another note, it is good to know that waiting for an update has not been in vain! (Whether I buy the book is another question, of course).

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Re: Updated Kramnik 2 in the works
Reply #1 - 02/21/08 at 03:19:22
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This now appears on their 'Forthcoming Books' page where you can view the contents.
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Updated Kramnik 2 in the works
12/02/07 at 07:53:03
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Great news!  I got an e-mail reply from Chess Stars saying that Khalifman is working on an updated version of Opening for White According to Kramnik Volume 2 and that it's planned to appear around February-March.
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