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Normal Topic Need a daring defense to Nf3. (Read 5541 times)
Glenn Curtis Flear

Re: Need a daring defense to Nf3.
Reply #7 - 07/12/04 at 09:32:11
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I think that 1...b6 fits in well with a player who likes the English Defence. Otherwise 1...d5 with an early ...c6 can go into a solid Semi-Slav.

It may also depend on your experience against 1 e4, but you could try 1...e6 only committing yourself to ...b6, ...b5 or ...d5 depending on your opponent's 2nd move e.g.

2 g3 b5
2 e4 b6
2 c4 or 2 d4 then 2...d5
However you still need to think of a move order to avoid ending up in a main line Catalan.
Perhaps 1 Nf3 e6 2 c4 d5 3 g3 dxc4
or 1 Nf3 e6 2 d4 d5 3 c4 c6 4 Qc2 Nf6 5 g3 dxc4
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Rudolf Spielmann forever

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Re: Need a daring defense to Nf3.
Reply #6 - 06/10/04 at 05:33:42
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If I ever meet you over the board, I will remember this.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: Need a daring defense to Nf3.
Reply #5 - 06/09/04 at 08:21:08
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But there are few feelings in chess worse than sitting down opposite someone ranked a few hundred points lower than you, and getting the feeling you have walked into their pet system, which is often the case with Dutch players, I find.  Suddenly, all those rating points seem to count fo very little and you feel as if you are playing on their territory.

If sometimes we fly too close to the sun, at least this shows we are spreading our wings.
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Rudolf Spielmann forever

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Re: Need a daring defense to Nf3.
Reply #4 - 06/09/04 at 05:56:15
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Ah, dear Alumbrado, it is only my intention to intimidate opponents of about equal strength.  You having some 500-600 ELO-points more than me will not get intimidated by me playing any opening!

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: Need a daring defense to Nf3.
Reply #3 - 06/08/04 at 05:52:35
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Actually, I don't really like playing against the Dutch very much, but I refuse to allow it to intimidate me!

If sometimes we fly too close to the sun, at least this shows we are spreading our wings.
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Rudolf Spielmann forever

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Re: Need a daring defense to Nf3.
Reply #2 - 06/08/04 at 05:44:54
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A dearing defence, easy to learn and risky to play, is the Ilyin-Zjenewsky. Except for 1.e4, 1.f4 and 1.Nc3 this is possible against all first White moves. Even if Black faces a bad position, he is left with plenty chances. Play through some games of GM Igor Naumkin and be amazed.
Of course you will have to give up the Semi-Slav and of course you will meet a lot of White players - like Alumbrado - who state that they are not afraid at all.
But if you want to keep it simple and go for the White king: f5, Nf6, e6, d6, Be7, o-o etc. against almost all.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: Need a daring defense to Nf3.
Reply #1 - 06/07/04 at 21:25:21
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Oops! That's f5:, g5: and d5: Embarrassed
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Need a daring defense to Nf3.
06/07/04 at 21:23:20
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Anyone have a suggestion for a fairly forcing line against Nf3? I play the semi-slav against d4 and the english defense against so I don't want to get move ordered into an indian defense, or a symmetrical or mainline english. Also I'd prefer not to transpose into a Catalan.
My ideas are:
f4: is what I play currently. I don't mind the Lipsin gambit but the Leningrad or Classical dutch is a lot of theory for an Nf3 only defense.
d4: May transpose to QP but may also land in Reti. Anyone have an opinion on the best continuation after  c4?
b6: The library in chessmaster says this is better than the standard owen's because the N is commited to f3. But I always play Nf3 against the Owen's and while my opponent's weren't the strongest I getva good position.
b4:I can trade b for e pawn but I'm not sure if the resulatant positions are any good. Also, how is the abstract "queenside space" useful if white is content not to trade pawns.
Everything else seems to transpose.
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