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Re: UltraCorr 24
Reply #9 - 01/27/24 at 23:07:58
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kylemeister wrote on 01/27/24 at 16:45:03:
I guess you might be thinking of an exhibition Kreskin did against Korchnoi and Robert Byrne.

Thanks! That was probably what I had in mind.
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Re: UltraCorr 24
Reply #8 - 01/27/24 at 16:45:03
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FreeRepublic wrote on 01/27/24 at 13:41:02:
I vaguely recall that someone played two simultaneous games against Bobby Fischer. He tried to mirror the games, but lost as both White and Black. I thought perhaps it was The Amazing Kreskin, but was unable to confirm it.

I guess you might be thinking of an exhibition Kreskin did against Korchnoi and Robert Byrne. There was a theory that Kreskin, although blindfolded and neither touching the pieces nor being told his opponents' moves, somehow tried to play Korchnoi and Byrne against each other. 

(May 1979 Chess Life with an article on this bizarre event)
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Re: UltraCorr 24
Reply #7 - 01/27/24 at 13:41:02
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mattchess wrote on 01/25/24 at 16:49:38:
I also saw that he identifies "mirror games" in his annotations where an opponent duplicated moves from one game in another of their games with colors reversed.

I vaguely recall that someone played two simultaneous games against Bobby Fischer. He tried to mirror the games, but lost as both White and Black. I thought perhaps it was The Amazing Kreskin, but was unable to confirm it.
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Re: UltraCorr 24
Reply #6 - 01/27/24 at 07:40:52
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I think Tim Harding is the one to answer your questions. You can find his email address on his website.
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Re: UltraCorr 24
Reply #5 - 01/26/24 at 08:52:35
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an ordinary chessplayer wrote on 01/26/24 at 03:50:53:

In 2022 we had to complain about the large number of "mirror games" we detected and we sent an evidence-based report to the ICCF executive. They would not tell us what action they have taken, but it appears that the worst offender has been sanctioned and probably others have been warned to cease this form of cheating.

Do you know about which scale we are talking here? Is it 10, 100 , ... we are talking about.
Do you know if this is known for a long time or it was only discovered by Tim Harding?
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Re: UltraCorr 24
Reply #4 - 01/26/24 at 08:49:45
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mattchess wrote on 01/25/24 at 16:49:38:
I also saw that he identifies "mirror games" in his annotations where an opponent duplicated moves from one game in another of their games with colors reversed.  I discovered to my surprise that during some matches one of my opponents was doing this. 

In OTB I had last an interclub-match when 2 boards were seeing the same moves for a long time. I was planning to write an article about it on my blog so those mirrorgames in ICCF definitely interest me. Can you point me to some examples as searching myself through the database doesn't seem easy? Many thanks

Also is this cheating and how exactly is this cheating? I remember that I was very annoyed at OTB when I was in fact indirectly playing against my own teammate. Instead of the expected 2-0 for our team, we could only score 1-1 obviously.
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an ordinary chessplayer
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Re: UltraCorr 24
Reply #3 - 01/26/24 at 03:50:53
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Tim Harding at
UltraCorr2024 is the most complete collection of top CC play now available ... 


Unfortunately the Lechenicher Schachserver has not yet released the games played there in the second half of 2023 and they tell us it is likely to be some time in February before they can do so, because of a technical issue. So we may be able to release a free supplementary file later but we make no promises in view of our advanciung (sic) years.

Tim Harding at
Except for Chess-960, our database includes all recently played games from the servers of ICCF, and FICGS (all to end-2023), and from LSS to the end of June 2023. The much-improved Lechenicher Schachserver (LSS) has clearly now become the main free alternative to ICCF for CC players of all strengths, and there has been a consequent reduction in the amount of CC on the Free Internet Computer Game Server (FICGS) although some very strong players are still active there.

Unfortunately their proprietor tell us that he is not likely to release their games from the second half of 2023 until some time in Fenruary, and we did not wish to keep you waiting any longer.

During 2022 and 2023 Tim continued to spend much time on reviewing historical CC games from the 19th and 20th centuries. Games from British postal events in the second half of the 20th century received special attention.


In 2022 we had to complain about the large number of "mirror games" we detected and we sent an evidence-based report to the ICCF executive. They would not tell us what action they have taken, but it appears that the worst offender has been sanctioned and probably others have been warned to cease this form of cheating.
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Re: UltraCorr 24
Reply #2 - 01/25/24 at 16:49:38
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If you are not interested in the historical games or the games from other CC organizations and are primarily interested in more recent ICCF games for statistics, then you may as well just use the ICCF archive which is freely available.   

His database does correct some errors that creep into the ICCF archive. I also saw that he identifies "mirror games" in his annotations where an opponent duplicated moves from one game in another of their games with colors reversed.  I discovered to my surprise that during some matches one of my opponents was doing this.  Obviously for the rest of the database he has done a very good job in terms of breadth and removing errors in the games/names/etc. for various historical and non-ICCF sources.
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Re: UltraCorr 24
Reply #1 - 01/23/24 at 14:15:08
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mattchess wrote on 01/19/24 at 05:37:34:
For those that may be interested, Tim Harding just released the latest iteration of UltraCorr.  It is in my view the best database of correspondence games available.

I am getting for free all the ICCF-games every month from a friend. Do you think it is worth to spend 60 euro on it if you have already bought earlier the 2018 version?

I remember from previous releases that any non iccf-game shows often very weak play (as no engine used and played by weak amateurs).
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UltraCorr 24
01/19/24 at 05:37:34
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For those that may be interested, Tim Harding just released the latest iteration of UltraCorr.  It is in my view the best database of correspondence games available.
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