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Re: Catalan - move-order question
Reply #5 - 03/21/07 at 21:07:03
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I think having played 1...d5 is a bigger concession than having played 2.c4 and 3.Nf3 when transposing to the Bogo-Indian.

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Re: Catalan - move-order question
Reply #4 - 03/21/07 at 07:42:21
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LeeRoth wrote on 03/20/07 at 20:49:55:
I used to play 2.Nf3 to avoid the Albin Counter Gambit.  Thinking back on it, I'm not sure why . . .

I agree with this: if you play 2. c4, you must be prepared against the Albin Counter Gambit. This gambit can be very lasting for white if he does not know how to react against it. 
Playing 2. c4, 3.g3 and 4.Bg2 can bring some advantage to white in the lines with 4. Bg2-dxc4 5. Qa4. It can also lead you to a Bogo-Indian where you still have not committed your Knight (but I am not sure it is a real advantage).

Yusupov once said that “The problem with the Dutch Defence is that later in many positions the best move would be ...f5-f7” but he is surely wrong.
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Re: Catalan - move-order question
Reply #3 - 03/20/07 at 21:31:32
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I have been experimenting with the Catalan...inspired by Kramnik.  I find it fustrating that none of the Catalan books seem to have much discussion on the subtleties of different move orders. Thank God for this forum. I was able to find quite a few old discussions that helped me with this.

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Re: Catalan - move-order question
Reply #2 - 03/20/07 at 20:49:55
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I used to play 2.Nf3 to avoid the Albin Counter Gambit.  Thinking back on it, I'm not sure why . . .

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Re: Catalan - move-order question
Reply #1 - 03/20/07 at 18:32:30
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hicetnunc wrote on 03/20/07 at 17:02:33:
If I play 1.d4, and want to play the Catalan against 1...d5, does it make any difference if I play 2.c4 or 2.Nf3 ? Roll Eyes

The first difference I've spotted, is that if 2.c4 dxc4 I have 3.e4 available as an option.

I bet there are many others - any expert help here ?

1. d4 d5  2. Nf3 Bf5 leaves White without his sharper lines against the Baltic, but that may not be a huge problem.

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Catalan - move-order question
03/20/07 at 17:02:33
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If I play 1.d4, and want to play the Catalan against 1...d5, does it make any difference if I play 2.c4 or 2.Nf3 ? Roll Eyes

The first difference I've spotted, is that if 2.c4 dxc4 I have 3.e4 available as an option.

I bet there are many others - any expert help here ?

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